Securicore Barracuda




Protect all your web apps and APIs with one comprehensive platform

Web Application Protection

Full Spectrum DDoS Protection

API Security

Advanced Bot Protection

Secure Application Delivery

Automation, Reporting, Analytics, and Services

Start with flexible, powerful Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) solutions.

Barracuda WAAP solutions are available as hardware or virtual appliances that can be hosted on premises or in the cloud. With both deployment models, you get complete application security, including protection for the OWASP Top 10 Web and API threats, zero-day attacks, and many more vulnerabilities and automated threats, along with automatic detection and remediation.

Gain comprehensive protection against web app attacks.

Whether it's a script kiddie attempting their first SQL Injection against your login form or advanced attackers attempting to compromise your app with a zero-day vulnerability, Barracuda Application Protection has you covered. With its built-in Smart Signatures, powerful positive security model, and Machine Learning-powered Active Threat Intelligence, Barracuda Application Protection secures applications against the latest web app threats.

Don’t let DDoS attacks bring your business to its knees.

Barracuda WAAP solutions include powerful, full-spectrum DDoS protection. Covering Layer-3 to Layer-7 traffic, and blocking both volumetric and application-based DDoS attacks, this capability ensures that your business-critical applications remain available, accessible, and effective, without the interruptions that DDoS attacks seek to create.

Stop today’s most advanced, malicious bots.

Barracuda Advanced Bot Protection uses artificial intelligence and machine learning in the cloud to continually improve its ability to spot and block bad bots and human-mimicking “low and slow” bots — while allowing legitimate human and bot traffic to proceed with minimal impact.

Enable secure app delivery.

Barracuda Application Protection includes a hardened SSL/TLS stack to provide a secure HTTPS front end to your applications. To ensure that only authorized personnel can access your application backends and data, Barracuda Application Protection solutions integrate with AD, LDAP, SAML, JWT, OpenID, and RADIUS, giving you granular control over which users and groups can access what data.

Leverage powerful reporting capabilities.

Barracuda Application Protection solutions generate detailed logs automatically, and provide customized reports on demand, making it easy to demonstrate regulatory compliance. The solution also supports many external SIEMs and log management tools such as Azure Sentinel, Loggly, Sumologic, HPE ARCsight, IBM QRadar, Splunk, and many more.

Let Us make it Secure!